Nov 2, 2010

It's the most wonderful time of the year

Ahh, Election Day. Every newsroom in America is filled with the excitement and anticipation of reporting poll results.

The BG News is no exception. Our coverage has been planned for weeks, and today the plan kicked into action. Reporters followed the results and photographers and videographers captured the action.

But what about the designers?

Election Night is synonymous with surprise. All the stories will all come in at once, probably pretty close to deadline. Designers are left with this challenging task of putting pages together with late-night information. No one knows exactly how the races will turn out, so a good designer is prepared for anything.

The concept for The BG News' election edition design was crafted in advance. The headshots for various candidates were pulled. The stories were assigned. And the page layouts were roughly sketched. Basically, the page existed in skeletal form, without any information, names or colors.

Designers also leave room for error — for that election result too close to call. They are ready to deal with any last-minute alterations.

And, at the end of the night, the design sells the page and proclaims the winners.

Here is a sneak-peek of the front page of Wednesday's BG News.

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